Tag Archives: Blog

Once Again!

So here I am @ Fernando’s again. Why do I always blog from here? Cuz it has internet, its not far/UCSD, and yes, its a chill place to be.
Yesterday they had a pretty nice “Gin & Juice” party. Everyone was all thugged out; some of the ladies chose the hootchie look tho. I came over with Mel a little bit after it started, and there were already hella people here. You had Jen, Turrel, Eric, & the rest of the bowling krew, Colleen (it was her b-day bash!), Melissa & her brother (con amigo), and a whole bunch of other frat peoples, friends of friends, etc. Anyway, me n Mel left the party real quick to pick up some veges. When we came back though, we had poes everywhere breakin’ the party up, cuffin’ Ron up and yellin’ @ everyone to go home. The cops were all hollerin at Justine to leave, so we went to my car to figure out what to do.

While we’re layin low, we see Ron get hauled off to Detox followed by a big ass train of cars gettin’ the fuck outta there.

What a great partay.


I now live with Tidiane Diallo, Susie Parras, Melanie Natividad & Arash Haile (& Ken Kiweuroiawuerjdsom). It was crazy cuz before Bridge, Mel approached me and asked if I wanted to live with her, Susie, May and Monett. But Things Fall Apart and Susie and Mel were off on their own. So during Bridge, we’re all looking for a 3 roomer, but Tidiane comes up to us, sayin’ we should combine forces. And BLAAOWW!!! The Mennonites are born!
Arash gots a small room upstairs, and his studio downstairs. He hasn’t finished setting it up yet, but I was chillin’ with em the other day just listening to him practice his spin. My man Maurice from Capricorn was sayin that once its done, we’re gonna be Arash’s proteges’, mixin and makin beats all day! Its gonna be crazy, livin and learnin with my intern pops, something I’ve always been wanting to do.
Tidiane also got the other small room upstairs, but he’s eyein Ken’s room downstairs to turn it into a chill lounge/gallery kinda deal.
Susie got the other room upstairs, with double door access to the front patio (and mirrored closet doors!).
Mel’s got the bonus room, and so far its pretty much the most set up outta all of em. She’s also got access to the front patio.


GBA Flash Carts

Heh, I wanna know what happened to his preaching career.

Something cool’s happened to Vacaville. We now have a 24hr Fast Food Joint! Tho it may be McD (ehhhhhhhh), now the bored teens and YAs of vtown actually have something to do past 11p (even tho its only getting fries).

Anyway, my intern-sister Susie Parras gave me a ring today. She was wondering if she was gonna see me around pre-training, as well as how I was doing and all that mess. Heh… it sounds stupid but I really miss her. She’s pretty much the person I’ve gotten closest to during my stint at OASIS, even though most all we do is fake argue/fight, and when we do sit down and have conversations with each other, its normally complete nonsense. I miss my never-there-bro too. He’s such a kind person, and his voice gives me a “everything’s gonna be ok” kinda aura.

It’s hard to explain, but I’m sure most every bridger/OASISer has similar feelings about their peers. Or maybe its just called friendship.

Anyway, about that cheesy site I linked to. I dropped 300 on a (wait I already talked about this). Anyway, I have to fax them my ID so the order can go through. Even though Imma need a PC to get this shit started, hopefully it’ll be worth it. It’ll be my first big purchase since the clearing out of my goodies, so it had BETTER be good.

Here at home, I feel hella unproductive. Hell, the most productive thing I do on most days is work on this website, which no one can see anyway. In abscence of writing in a journal, I blog. Fair enough. But anyway, yeah. All I do is sit at home and rot. Tomorrow I supposed to chill with the Fume Hood Posse of yore, namely, Dan “The MAN” Laury, Bryan “Napalm” Tracy, and perhaps the other 2 members. I should also contact Kyle “Super Wafter” Masterson, John “Baby D” Tice, Jason “Doctor Claw” Tjalsma and call Ryan “Ah Lyon Ah” Lee and tell him about the startling McD and Mase developments.

I’m watching late night BET, and there’s this vid called “White Girls” (to the tune of White Lines). Its like a Girls Gone Wild wanna be, stupid stupid stupid. Its funny though. Mighty Casey. Now its an equally stupid video, “Flap Your Wings” by Nelly fucking get your eagle on? c’mon… (And I can’t even enjoy the hot girls b/c I don’t wanna look at hot girls right now. I WANT a hot girl right now (aha.) And I’ve noticed hella ppl ripping lines from the Bluborious F.A.T. everyone from Fat Joe (that’s ok, they’re bluborious breathren) to nelly to Lil’ Jon, to anyone.

Well… this post was supposed to be hella short cuz I’m trying to go to sleep before the sun starts coming up. Time to pop some pills and drink a tall glass… ITS BECAUSE OF MY TOOTHACHE, I’M SERIOUS! (DON’T MAKE ME HAVE TO MILKBOX YOU!!!)

Oh yeah I gotta check out a song called 16 by ____, some bay/sac group. It uses the fucking Imperial March as a beat. To quote the SFA3 announcer, “THAT’S ENOUGH, UNBEATABLE!!!”