Category Archives: Inspiration


I have 36 “Draft” posts. Some are from years ago. A lot of em aren’t even worth posting about because the context has passed on.

I have a hard time finishing things.

That’s an understatement.

I actively try to leave things as unfinished as possible.

I have a slew of lists of things that are unfinished and could type em all out right now. But that’s not too productive. I keep on carrying that baggage; it’s always on my mind (and on my OmniFocus todo list) forever.

I’ve stopped living, I’m only experiencing. Level Grinding. Except I’m fighting monsters that were strong 2 chapters ago; the XP I get from them is not worth the time it takes for me to select “Fight, Attack” over and over again.

No more.

I’m no longer a scratch pad — I’m a canvas. Paint, paint paint paint paint. The research is done. I know more than needs to be known.

It’s time to lead the prayer.

Heart of a Champion

2008 Summer Paralympic Games.

Holy shit. Wheelchair Basketball, Blind Triple Jump, Blind soccer, Super Swimmers…

I hella missed out. These athletes are fucking amazing.

PS: The Big Picture is fantastic. I meant to pimp it a while back, but it got lost in the 2read madness (login w/ “hagure” & no password) that I’ve accumulated. Check out their Olympic pix too. A definite add to The Reader, hint hint.