Tag Archives: Emo



UCSD likes screwing with me. I hate opera soooo much now after taking the class that was supposed to help me appreciate it. I hate majors. They are just part of the “bullshitt” system that is out to get you set up by “the man”. Everything is stupid. Muir semi-formal was tight and i have the pics and wanted to put them up online but ucsd doesn’t give me enough webspace to do that so all of you wanting to see the glorious pics that me and adry took TOO BAD. IM me or something and I’ll do something about it UCsd sucks see, even just now i was trying to type “sucks”, but freudilitically “ucsd” came out instead and i had to delteet it and put back sucks but really they’re the same thing. So incomprehensible so no periods so stupid

hey guys post links to tight websites that no one knows about except you or maybe a few people. something like http://www.itunesregistry.com or something not like www.bored.com or some stupid bs like that everyone knows about shit like that and i don’t care.

hey ya hey ya

OH and if you didn’t figure it out i’m listening to fucking opera. La Traviata’s “Follie!” to be exact. I hate la traviata the most because i don’t know any of that opera’s music yet. i’m going to fucking fail this class i hate i hate i hate


Fear & Anime in Vacaville

Hi, I fear not finding the perfect gift. I fear not being able to wake up tomorrow. I fear going back to SD. I fear having noone here to talk to anymore. I fear never seeing the one I love again.

But its a new year soon. Time to put those fears to rest.

Ooh… that sounds so… decisive. Just some dramatic rambling.

Have you seen it? If you follow the series, then you know how stupid it is.

It has a really cool premise. Mankind exists in a future with no past. 40 years ago, “something” happened, which erased all of mankind’s memories. The hero, Roger Smith pilots an artifact of the past, Big O (typical anime giant robot) and uses it to fight crime and shit. The story goes along, trying to explain what happened so long ago. Blah Blah blah.

Originally ending after 13 eps on a super confusing cliffhanger that explains nothing, Cartoon Network revived the series, creating 13 new eps. The 2nd season builds upon the interesting plot, throwing in clones, mad scientists, misguided visionaries, etc etc. + more staples to sci-fi anime. But what’s the catch? the catch is that it makes no sense. I figure that they original creators left it at that cliffhanger cuz they realized how ridiculous the story would become. Cause the plot just goes crazy and shit starts gettin confusing and doesn’t make ANY sense. Oh. And the 26th ep? Ends on yet another cliffhanger, this time twice as confusing.

Some questions and considerations:
Why ARE giant robots so predominant in anime? Why not in american toons? Giant robos are cool. I like giant robos. I don’t like big o maybe.

I like everything about the show (well almost, the dialogue’s pretty weak/forced sometimes), except for the fact that it makes NO sense. That just pisses me off. Investing all that viewing time and etc into the series, HOPING that at the end I’ll go “OOOHHHHH!!!!! DAMN I GET IT!!!” … but no. I’m just all “DAMNIT!!!!!!” I mean, its cool to end on a such a dramatic (and dare I say cliffhanging again?) note, but having it not make sense pretty much ruined it for me. Imma stick with Bebop. Hell, at least Inu Yasha makes sense. I wish I had the $ to just buy some good anime and watch it in Japanese or something. But thanks to the craze, its waaaaaaay to spensive. But hopefully some kind soul out there’ll buy me the Trigun box set.

Oh yeah, they used to run Trigun on CN. That’s my fav anime. I first fell in love with its wackiness, and from what I’ve seen of the latter eps on CN, its story is rather crazy as well.

Well, I gotta go to sleep. And I don’t feel like posting anything worthwhile. Actually I probably shouldn’t sleep, I’ll never wake up in time. Being nocturnal sucks.

Oh, I’ve been listening to new purchases Bjork’s Telegram and Pink’s Obscured by Clouds. Gotta nice Yellow Sub poster too.

Well, tomorrow’s a big day. I gotta take a family picture (that’s what I gotta “wake up” for), see if I can face my old friends, and oh yeah, New Year’s Eve.

Don’t Drink & Drive.


So earlier today, I told Adry that I was tired of everything. Annoyed by everything. Basically, I was not really happy with my life. Why? A lotta things. Her response to this: “You need a vacation.” How ridiculously true.

Bridge is quite fun, and the jobs cakesauce, but by the end of the day, I’m drained. I love it though. The program itself is just a really, really good, happy, fun thing. It really is a family. And seeing all the new kids come on up is really something. Loads of memories and stuff, new and old. Blah blah blah.

I love my girlfriend. She’s everything I need right now, and supports me when I need it the most. It’s hard not being able to see her all the time with work and all, but we get through it, and those moments are blissful, relaxing, soothing, stress-relieving. But girls are evil. Either they do the above to you and cause you torment, or they play mind games, or they tempt you, or you don’t have one. And you can’t live without em. Sigh. Nevertheless though, “Constant over stimulation numbs me and I wouldn’t have it any other way” Or something.

    I really love Radiohead too. I’ve been listening to their B-Sides recently and fuck. Its like I fucking discovered the New World. This shit is really good… Bishop’s Robes, Polyethylene, Faithless, the Wonder Boy, etc. Go Go Go! Or Maybe I’ll UL em…

My Dad’s been in the hospital recently. Heart failure and the works, twice around. It really bums me out. He’s doing much better now though supposedly, doctor said so. But shit like that really makes me think about how little time I have left with him. He’s been trying to help me get a G5, but the constant nagging, calling, “did you do this?” “what about this?” “how’s your car?” “blah blah blah”, annoys me like no other. So whenever I get tired of it, I go “yeah, uhuh, ok, yeah” etc. and try to rush things along asap. Afterwards tho, I feel hella guilty. “I shouldn’t be mad, he’s only trying to help!” Yeah. That feeling sucks. I don’t wanna deal with it.

My car’s still got that light on. I just took it in today. Supposedly, its the fuel injektor that’s fucked up this time. WTF I hate that pos car and want a japanese one. Thanks to my dad’s newly found super veteren status or something, my tuition’s free so a new car is a possibility? Took 4 or 5 years to get here but finally here it is. Free-ride city. Yay about that huh?

So yeah I missed EVO. AGAIN. Fuck. I really wanted to go, but I fucking procrastinated on everything and got caught up. Fucking Bridge. But yeah, between my dad getting sick, work, my fucked up car, adry, etc. I couldn’t go. I regret it. But there’s nothing I could do I guess. But yeah check SRK if you care. And if you find any vids posted, hit me up. I already saw Justin Wong get his ass kicked by Soo tho. I love the West Coast!

    I like the 1st verse of Rollin’ On 20’s

Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking about living in NYC for awhile now. Between always wanting to kinda, Barbara’s (friend) fucking ridiculous love for the city, moovs, chance for something new, Jay-Z, etc., I’ve almost made it a life goal to live there for a bit.

I miss Japan, my brothers, my childhood, my old friendships, my new friends and probly some other stuff too.

Oh yeah, I gotta do traffic school too. Almost forgot about that, I should finish it up soon…

My mind is too full of shit right now. I have this nasty habit that I’ve had for a real long time to procrastinate and then forget shit. I’ve been trying to fix this, but its a slow process. I’m really high-strung right now; I need to get my shit together forreals. And I still gotta start working out. So much for summer of fitness…

I can’t wait for my vacation.

    I fucking love SpottieOttieDopalicious. After I finished the above, I started paying attention to the bgm… this song relaxes me. I wonder if its cuz its linked to my babe…

OMG Lovely-dovey KO

SongNow: Romeo – Basement Jaxx

* Valentine’s Day Is Near

So yeah it is. It’s my 1st one ever. And I dunno what to do. Any help?
(And fuck it might rain wtf)

* Still Watching Train Spotting/Requiem For A Dream

Yeah… I’m like 3/4 through Train, around right after they get all the $. And for Requiem, I’m somewhere after the kid finds out about his mom’s drugs. Halfway about I guess. I REALLY hafta finish those haha.

* Midterm For Earth20 Later Today

Fuckin’ ACED that shit I know. I would be getting it back today… that is… if I went to class instead of doing my blog.

* Justin Shaves His Head

Yeah… he’s all bald now. It’s crazy. But it sucks that ppl always be givin him bad looks and shit like he’s some thug or somethin… fuckin’ stereotypes.

* PIW 2.0 Moves In W/O Lemonade

So yeah… this new white guy has moved in. He’s not NEARLY as bad as the 1st guy… but he’s HELLA 6th college (for all you non-ucsd ppl, that means hella geeky). Anime freak, Trance freak, Computer geek, Car lover, etc. etc. He doesn’t like Kimchee and calls it stinky, he didn’t make lemonade when he drank all of it. etc etc.

BUT… although he’s a little anti-social (at least towards me), he’s not that bad. He can be cool I thinks… AND… he has a CAR…


BONUS! * Cripple!

So Adry got in a snowboarding accident 2 weeks ago (some lil’ kid crashed into her from behind)… so her right knee was all yuky and she needed crutches.

She sure did make one of the cutest cripples ever… but haha hella crippled!

Oh well, she’s fine for the most part now… just can’t put too much stress on it… tee-hee-hee.

So yeah… Yesterday I got my CAT paper back: Me, Justin, and Ed got C+’s. Man… I know it may not have been the most genius but wtf. Oh well… me n Justin weren’t as pissed as Ed (as usual). Oh yeah… toke out with Mel, Kaia, Justin and Adry. Niiiiiiice…?

Adry: my girlfriend is the best and the cutest and the besteresterest in the WOI-LD!

Yup, that’s about it for now… time to clean house, clean comp, dl songs, etc etc! lates

Those were the days…

SongNow: Spottieottiedopaliscious

Time to explain this shit… 5 things at a time

* Cool Party

Hammer, Train, Victoria and some of Justin’s other friends came over and we all did what we do best…
It was hilarious as hell. Some highlights include:

– Everyone taking at least 9 bowls
Yeah… Justin was all drunk from the party, had his head shaved, Me, Hammer and Train kept on going till I passed out though…

– “The Chip”
Ruffles+Lemon+Hotsauce=HELLA GOOD &… Victoria says, “These are soooo good but I don’t wanna drop any on the floor!” *Chip falls from her hand to floor. *Laughter for like 15 minutes Hammer: FUUUUUUCK DUDE! Look at that thing! Its soooo perfect! Like its just there chillin’ with a J or something! *Laughter for like 30 minutes

– Pillows
Justin’s passed out on the couch with my long ass pillow. Its all coming off the couch onto the mattress on the floor. I hella just take that half of the pillow and sleep. Sharing pillows with my roommate HMM…

* Snowboarding accident

Adry got in a snowboarding accident last weekend and messed up her right nee… Now she’s all cripple and on some crutches and stuff. All walkin’ hella slow and shit. Oh well… she’s still cute as hell!

* Ed’s locked out

Ed goes outside to smoke… closes the patio door too hard and locks himself out. Ed: “FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!” After laughing for hella long I let him in. Ed goes to his room. White guy has the door locked. Ed: “WHAT THE FUCK! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR FUCK! GOD DAMNIT!” etc… all pounding on it and shit. So eventually he just jammed his keys in the lock and stormed in.

Just a note: Maybe you had to be there for all this shit…

* Drop Math

After waiting weeks to add math… I take the midterm… probably bomb it… then drop it. If you knew how much trouble I went to even add the class, you would know how much that sucks…

* RHCP has new video

I think its for Universally Speaking? Oh wait probly not… Anyway, its really cool!

So yeah… that’s 5 things. Yeah I didn’t go in order but some of those will take hella long and the party one was long… etc.

Anyway, this weekend is gonna be tight too… last nite Derrick & Ryan came over and we did what we did best. Me and Adry got soooo blazed though… haha.

Well… here’s to the future… and to the orange apples!