Dems vs. GOP in 1 Picture.
Tag Archives: web design
This one’s for you, Shanks

I was gonna say: “fashion-whore“, but that sounds mean. So…
You’re stylish!
PS: I love the navigation on this one! Push “space”.
Making the Web a Friendlier Place
Department of Spanish and Portuguese, UC Berkeley
Printing out this webpage on large paper would be really well balanced, laid out design.
But when looking at it on a screen, the canvas dimensions on the vertical axis approach infinity because of the ⤴ (icam150? mannovich and design choice bauhaus etc) the the process of scrolling has become a simple haptic motions: a curling, “come here” motion that the scroll wheel & touchpad mandate, as well as the momentum emulating flicks that touchscreen devices such as the iPhone, (and to a larger extent, the Nintendo Wii) are delving into.
As the people here at Information Architects say,
Most websites are crammed with small text that is a pain to read. Why? There is no reason for squeezing so much information onto the screen. It’s just a stupid collective mistake that dates back to a time when screens were really, really small.
Really. Lean back and look. Shock! Amaze! You can read the text! Relax.
“> . o (headphones + laptop + hw == x_X)
to a lot of different music recently… that’s all
I have learned a lot about web design though…