Tag Archives: blogs


Clothes. Me & clothes are on good terms. Though Clothes acknowledges that I’d rather do without ‘em, we’ve come to the mutual understanding that when we find the right vibe and achieve “Double Wave-Length”, we can really bring the best out from each other and become quite the pair.

But I don’t kick it with all the clothes. I guess I kinda discriminate.
Discrimination = bad.

So I guess I could never do what homegirl does and post up the latest trends & fashions. Not my niche.

But I do like T-shirts!

I LOVE T-shirts!

After all, it’s the only thing I wear on my torso (I can count how many times I wear a jacket a year on two hands, possibly one).

Here are a bunch of T-Shirt blogs, a niche that’s exploded since Preshrunk started (I wanna say this is the first, at least it’s the first I’ve noticed)


Google on Google Chrome – comic book

So google finally announced their browser. You really gotta check this out; I’m sure it’ll be revolutionary in some aspect (open source, memory management, other architecture, etc.).

But what’s really of interest— to the artist in me at least—the geek in me is afk, shitting himself over the wonderful possibilities as well as the horrible implications for internet monopoly—is Scott McCloud’s beautiful & super informative comicbook describing what Chrome is & how it functions. McCloud captures the images of various coders and designers, and use them to explain Chrome’s features to users and dispense tech-talk to the developers. And man… If you’ve read McCloud’s other books, you know that McCloud has a wonderful grasp on the medium of comics, and can explain just about anything through a few, lines & a word bubble.

The part below perfectly illustrated what I perceive to be one of the most frequented and most frustrating part of a browser: the URL bar.



In the new version of firefox, the “awesome bar” tries to give suggestions when you type into the box. But a lot of the times, these results just end up cluttering the short box and makes things even more difficult. In fact, while creating this post, I typed “hagure” into the URL bar and instead of taking me to hagure-metaru.net, I got a link for http://hagure-metaru.net/wordpress/wp-admin/press-this.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fblogoscoped.com%2Fgoogle-chrome%2F&t=Google%20on%20Google%20Chrome%20-%20comic%20book&s=&v=2

That is not helpful at all. I look at the first part of the URL, then my eyes glaze over at the trailing gobbledygook, and I feel like the programmer in the last panel. Here’s hopin’ Google comes through.


Here’s to the Google Monopoly… a reluctant cheer. May you guard my (and the rest of the world’s) data/life with wisdom, courage and justice.

Fox News vs. Blogosphere

Saw this today on the TheirTube:

Fox says Blogs are Biased. Of all the...

Its no “news” that Fox doesn’t like blogs but c’mon… This is ridiculous!

For the most part, blogging is an INDIVIDUAL effort. As such, it goes without saying that there will be some “bias”, or an individual’s point of view. Fox News on the other hand, is an organization, whose creed is “Fair & Balanced”.

Funny, ain’t it? Well not really.

I gotta admit though, its not like their rival, CNN is any better. EVERYONE (you, me, them, bush, world) knows that Fox is biased, and despite their slogan, they aren’t afraid to show their true colors. CNN on the other hand, is still trying to be the “neutral” party. Yeah right.

Suck it, news conglomerates. Hurry up and die (I wish), or at least get with the millenium and evolve (inevitable).