Tag Archives: fun

First Spring Break

SongNow: Telepopmusik – Love Can Damage Your Health

Spring Break +’s & -‘s…So yeah… Spring Break was pretty chill. The 1st friday, I just chilled with Adry: we went to the mall I bought Metroid Prime, we came home. I played Prime for a bit, then I got drunk offa SoCo and beer & passed the fuck out.

Next day I went with Adry and her sis to her friend’s b-day party. It was weird seeing how everyone was mexican down there… then Adry goes home, and I do the chill/pack thing.

Mon comes, I fly off back home. There, I just relaxed… bought HELLA clothes (FINALLY!!!) and then played Metroid Prime (beat it for my 1st time yesterday…err…2 days ago now). The 3 mixes I burned earlier were tight too, cuz they hella helped me get busy (especially blasting the music in the explorer!).

It was nice being around family too (my auntie Alexzine and cousins Robert Shelby (haven’t seen in like 6 years!) and Robert (no Red tho, & course no Skinny R.I.P.)). A shame I couldn’t hook up with Tuan or any of the Posse.

ANYway, so I came back by plane (missed my flight by an hour), shuttle then walkin’, chilled, then went to Kaia’s. We chilled together for a nice while; we ate, walked around, browsed, etc. A sis/bro kinda outing or something hahaha… but it was tight, we gotta do it again…

Next till Now… I’ve been unpacking and cleaning. It’s been long but hella fun (you KNOW why) and also talking with Adry and Drunk Friendsâ„¢. Now typing BLOG… over.

Damn… that shit was long & edited… while playing ninTENdo no less!

Same ol, same ol…

SongNow: Stardust – Music Sounds Better With You

So yeah tuesday and wednesday went along the same lines… I remember singing karaoke, it rained last week before watching Original Sin… um… yeah.

Thursday was the 1st day w/o (except early in the morn), made up with Adry, ate salad, um… yeah.

Today I found out that my final cat essay was due tuesday instead of other-than-tuesday-day. FUCK

CogSci quarter-long project due next Friday, paper, finals, I AM SCREWED.

Suitemeeting today too.

Oh yeah…

ShinChiaPet:^______^: bloop!

Hi welcome to Clock’s section of my blog. So here’s a random conversation about music and stuff. I guess you had to be there…

Fuckin’ Kazaa…

UltraRelax (02:22 PM): so what do you do?
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): nothing
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): listening to musc
UltraRelax (02:23 PM): what song
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): hmm
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): its on random
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): right now its playinguh
Clockw0rk (02:23 PM): janet jackson – all 4 u
UltraRelax (02:23 PM): just a little having fun?
Clockw0rk (02:24 PM): yea
UltraRelax (02:24 PM): i see
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): wait
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): just a little having fun
UltraRelax (02:25 PM): ?
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): stuipdass
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): wheres that from
UltraRelax (02:25 PM): i dunno
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): no
UltraRelax (02:25 PM): cuz i dunno what she says
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): thats from somewhere
Clockw0rk (02:25 PM): in which song
UltraRelax (02:26 PM): “its all for uuuuuuuuu….. (just a little having fun]”
UltraRelax (02:26 PM): i dunno if that’s what she says but yeah
Clockw0rk (02:26 PM): oh yea
Clockw0rk (02:26 PM): i think she says
Clockw0rk (02:26 PM): soon youll be having fun
UltraRelax (02:26 PM): oh yeah huh
Clockw0rk (02:26 PM): BUT
Clockw0rk (02:26 PM): just a little having fun is from somewhere else
UltraRelax (02:26 PM): they maybe mariah carey
Clockw0rk (02:27 PM): well i changed the song
Clockw0rk (02:27 PM): WHAT DO YOU DO
UltraRelax (02:27 PM): FUCK
UltraRelax (02:27 PM): i mean
UltraRelax (02:27 PM): Underworld – Born Slippy
UltraRelax (02:28 PM): other than that i just wait for class @ 3
Clockw0rk (02:28 PM): wtf
UltraRelax (02:28 PM): ?
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): category says
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): techno
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): rock
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): house
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): classical
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): gothic
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): house
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): hahaha
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): electronic
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): wtf
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): jungle
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): pop
Clockw0rk (02:29 PM): ???
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): classical and gothic is stupid
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): house is stupid
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): rock is stupid
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): jungle… MAYBE but that’s still stupid
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): yeah
UltraRelax (02:29 PM): those are just stuipid
Clockw0rk (02:30 PM): i see’
UltraRelax (02:31 PM): yeah
UltraRelax (02:31 PM): DON’T BELIEVE THE HYPE
Clockw0rk (02:31 PM): ill try not to
Clockw0rk (02:31 PM): BUT KAZAA NEVER LIES
UltraRelax (02:31 PM): damn you kazaa!
UltraRelax (02:31 PM): damn you again!
Clockw0rk (02:32 PM): and again!
UltraRelax (02:32 PM): first you killed my brother
UltraRelax (02:32 PM): and now this?
Clockw0rk (02:32 PM): =o

I’ll get that soul back

SongNow: Télépopmusik – Pump In It

What happen !! so yeah yesterday Derrick, Ryan, and their friend Larry rolled up and did we (Justin, Ed, Me n Mel) did our thing…
I don’t remember a lot but Larry’s tight. Our 1st words were like this.

Me: Sup dood, i’m terry
Him: sup, i’m larry
Us: ahahahahahahaha wtf!
Him: this dooude has soul hahahaha

He’s tight…

Oh yeah something funny.

Larry was sittin on J’s bed, Derrick was on his comp, and mel, ryan , justin and ed were on my side of the room.
As always, I was right in the middle of all of em. hahaha! (thanks Mel!)

After we did our thing, All of em but me n mel rolled down south. Then we went to OVT for a snack… hella trippy for some reason.

Then I did something for sometbody.

Then Adry came back… I ate MORE… and then passed out while waiting for everyone to come back (they said they’d only be an hour or so).

Ok before all this:

Me n Adry went down to PB (in Christina’s nice Civic) to look for some store (she won’t tell me!). We couldn’t find it, so we just said screw it and ate at In-N-Out… it was tight… 1st date kindava sorta thing.

Lovely way to start the weekend , no?

Oh there IS a part 2! [Sex Revenge]

SongNow: Basement Jaxx – Romeo

You keep on givin me the hold up… so yeah part 2.

Curry house was bomb. Ate some really really good stuff there. Then we came home. Part II lasted for a long time.

So yeah… last weekend was tight too! We went to Justin’s (roommate’s) home town (chula vista) and chilled with him and victoria and hella other ppl that always come to our place to smoke out.

Went to “Incubus”, his house, his old house, somewhere, somewhere, somewhere uh yeah… I don’t remember much…

It was fun tho!

Oh yeah. I turned in that essay, it’d better be good cuz it is. Yeah… otherwise this week has been pretty uneventful… oh yeah, wednesday was our 1 month…

and PIW 2.0 doesn’t like me cuz ed let me n adry spend some time in their room.


Um… yeah. that’s about it. Not much huh?

1st fight?

I’m on a Sugar High… SOAD Song…fuckin… I’m trying ok.

I’m fucking trying.


Cut me some fuckin slack


fuckin honest mistake.

Man. Thinkin’ your head off I’m sure…

…well nice. Maybe I’ll sit here and get blazed and shit. I DON’T KNOW.

W H A T E V E R .


I hope you get back ok cuz I still love you and shit.

Don’t go relapsin.

Don’t do it for me… do it for yourself.

Treat yourself like the princess you are.

Nites. Have fun. All that BS.

Oh yeah… I love you.