Tag Archives: fun

YOU know what part 2 was all about…

Valentine’s Day… So I had my 1st Valentine’s Day where it actually meant something yesterday (2 days… whatever).

OMG it was soooooooooo fucking tight.

So. 1st thing… on the night of the 13th, while I’m at OVT… she apparently busts in and leaves me hella balloons and shit (the balloons hella popped all over the place, by the time I finished seeing the surprize only 4 of 13 were left…) A box of Krispy Kremes too! …or so I thought. Inside I get a note sayin’ “Fooled ya! Haha… no donuts! Happy Valentine’s Day Part 1 I Love You!”



So yeah… come the 14th… She’s bein all hush-hush. Everyone around me sayin’ “OMG you’re gonna have hella fun and shit!” (I say ‘and shit’ a lot don’t I?)

(oh yeah… Ed gave me a present too! He’s the sweetest! ^____^ )

But yeah… so she tells me to be ready by 7… I go and visit her around 5 or so… see this huge ass box which she says is my gift for later… then she kicks me the fuck out at 6 and tells me to get ready. I say I’m hella hungry tho, but she says “naw f that s cuz what we gonna do is gonna make you throw that shit up” (not verbatim as you probly know).

But yeah… so I go to OVT… almost eat something but decide against it and just buy a Squirt.

So 7 comes, imma meet her halfway to help with the huge ass box. I’m eatin the chocolate Dove Bar and drinkin the squirt… she’s all dressed nice… not like fancy nice… but social nice… you know. Fuckin’ carrying the huge ass box.

So we get home, and I open the box… of course it’s like those bigass boxes filled with newspaper and the real shit is at the bottom. Hahaha…

But yeah… we’re in a rush so I try to open this shit fast.

I get a nice ass Hollister shirt… fuck man its tight.
I got another necklace cuz the last one broke… god damnit Adry…
The dopest card ever…


Run to OVT parking lot… the cabbie’s bout to leave and yells at us to hurry up.

So we get there, she tells me “close your ears!”

Gives the dude (Muhammad… ) directions to whereever…

We get in.

She tells me… don’t speak loudly, don’t make no sudden movements weird shit like that

So I’m like “wtf………”

But I notice we’re goin to PB… but still… you know?

ANYway, after what seems forever in anticipation…

we arrive at…


Hahahahahahaha so tight! Fucking curry is like my favorite food and shit! Maaaaan she’s too good.


Legacy of J5’s Shower

CDNow: 50 Cent’s (Forgot what its called)

* Broken Shower

So I’m in the shower doing my thing… I slip up and am about to fall right? So I try to balance myself on the wall… but lo and behold the wall doesn’t agree with this decision and decides to CAVE IN. So now… Marshall Uppers Apt. J-5 has a hole in the wall in the shower. Big ass hole too… bout 6-8 tiles.


* Cat Section Crazy

So one day (I think 2 Thursdays ago…) Cat section isn’t at SSB (which is like a minute’s walk from here), but somewhere in 6th college (which is like 5 minutes drive from here). So me and Justin go roll up right, bout 10 minutes late. After like an Easter egg hunt tryin to find the place, we arrive. First thing we hear is the TA going, “You should put your listening ears on!” First thing we see is some crazy shit. Ppl cuttin paper and looking through pieces of plastic. They look through the plastic at some cup and try to analyze this. On the directions, there’s some shit like: “What does the cup look like? What is different?” (It looks like a cup and nothing is different…) But yeah. Since me and Justin are late, we don’t have time to cut out the paper to make the “viewing pane” or whatever that plastic thing was. The teachers just give us a pre-made one…

Just a reminder… what I’m talking about is CRAZY… but you probly had to be there…

Oh yeah… and J’s blazed as fuck so of course it’s weird to him.

ANYway, so we fly through all the things we’re supposed to do (like 5 of them), while everyone else is still on like the 1st one. WTF… its just looking at a cup through a piece of plastic, how stupid can you get? But yeah… it was just weird as fuck…
Oh. And at the end, I get my quiz back. Me and Justin both got: 3.8 out of 5 & 3/4. WTF kinda grade is THAT?

* Necklace/Poster/Skirt

Me and Adry went to the vendor fair @ library walk a few weeks ago. It was really nice and everything… lots of good stuff. Adry got me this tight ass necklace… its cool cuz whenever I’m not with her it reminds me of her…
But yeah. I also got a Radiohead OK Computer poster… good stuff. Adry also got some rings for herself (actually, she tried to get me one, but it wouldn’t fit!) And I also got her a real cool skirt-like drape thing whatever, and a Nightmare Before Christmas poster. Hopefully she likes em both!

* Essay Sucked

So yeah the Cat Essay SUCKED. Stayed up till 7 AM doing it… I had very hateful away messages and all that. Um… yeah it sucked. I don’t wanna think about it right now.

…Oh yeah. We turned it in during class, and later that day at section (which I didn’t go to but heard about it) they gave it right back to us and said to peer edit it (which I already did like 3 times). STUPID

* Adry likes CREED??? 3 DOORS DOWN???

Yeah. That pretty much explains it. How can you like that Krytonite song? WTF. Nickelback too probly. BLAH BLAH BLAH! fucking ey no sense of taste in music! hahaha

So yeah… this weekend was pretty FOGGY. Derrick and Manny came over and chilled. Hella fun! Hella food! Hella uncertainty! Hella tired! Hella fun!
Hella… hella! And wtf is Bookoo? Yoked? Wha…???

Oh yeah… earlier we also went with Kaia, AJ, Tomas, Jose, Tiff, Fernando, John, Angelica, etc. to some Drag Queen thing. Me n Adry saw only a lil’ bit though… although there was this one completely naked guy in the theater lounge… uh… yeah. Then we went to the ATM and lost Jose. Then we went to the moov’s but lost the bus so we didn’t go. Then we went to AJ’s and chilled for 10. Then we came here and me, Kaia, Tiff, Adry & Mel partook in some activities. Then Derrick and them came back.

Hella non-chronological order!

Haha hella fun!

And Adry… the love is always there, forever waiting.

…forever mushy!

Aren’t the pix and other stuff cool? It’s becoming more like a regular website… well not really but kinda. And use the damned board! Yeah you! Tuan goddamnit!

Block & Throw Motherfuckers

CDNOW: Aquemini – Outkast & R U Still Down (Do You Remember Me) – 2Pac

Ok. So Ed was watching the “I wonder if heaven got a ghetto” vid right.

Reminded me ALL about that album. Its sooooo fucking tight.


Its been like a fucking week and a half huh?


I forget what I did last weekend. It was great though, I’m sure. =D
Well… If I remember correctly… that weekend was filled with green. Saturday… OH. Yeah… There was another Bridge party, but sadly I couldn’t make it cuz I was too paranoid. Sunday, I remember sleeping, getting lost or something and something else I’m sure.
Then after that… the week was pretty crazy. It was pretty much every other day… if not more. Wednesday was nice. Went to the mall with AJ, her cousin and Mel, Got to light up with just about everyone, my roomies and their friends, marshall heads and yrda too! Couldn’t even go to class on Thurs…

Now… for the fun stuff.

Friday… Happy b-day AJ!!! Seriously… we took up the whole fucking bus going to CPK! Maaann and stupid Mel always flashing me! (haha) P.S.: Don’t get the BLT pizza… WAY too much lettuce.

What really sucked tho… paying was a bitch… then we had to wait over an hour for the bus to come. Literally. Fuck… I had to piss SOOOOOOOOO bad too… man… I was bursting when I got back to John’s place…

ANYway… later that night… go over to AJ’s for a bit, chill, get some information, bout to go over to Muir, but end up not.

Lost bracelets.
Midnight dancing.

Ended the day with Ed/Justin doing what we do best.

Saturday… the end is near.

Wake up 2:30, get a call to go to Black’s Beach… I get up and get dressed and go.

FUCK it was foggy. OMG couldn’t see 10 feet in front of you. SOOOO tight tho… rolled up with Mel, Kaia, Adry, Chris Tan, Smalloman, Angelica, Fernando AJ, and I’m forgetting someone huh? Sorry! =( ANYway, some of us were stupid and played in the water… hella fun.
Later that day… we’re supposed to go to PB, but we don’t, TJ, but we don’t, so we end up smokin hooka in front of Fernando’s. Good ppl + Stuff + CARNE ASADA FRIES OMG = beautiful pretty.

Sunday… wha? SUNday? What sun?
We didn’t see any sun and we just stayed in bed the WHOLE FUCKING DAY. What a waste… best waste of time ever.

Monday… oh yeah… I have hella hw huh?


naw fuck that shit.

I milked this 3 day weekend good…


Haven’t slept in a few days, so I try to convince someone not to go to w0rk. Failure, so I’m a good kid and go to all my classes/workshops/whatever. They’re all boring as fuck. At least I get an hour or so at work.

WTF… our place is hella cleaned up. Adry’s too good. But wait! Where’s my keys and my glasses? dun Dun DUN! A small price to pay for what I got now though… haha! Now… its time for ppl to study. Not me though, I’m just waiting till ppl finish. So finish ppl! Tommorow’s Weednesday! Got shit to do.

And… Adry says I’m too cheesy. WHAT IS SHE TALKING ABOUT???


almost forgot…

ShinChiaPet:^______^: bloop!

Hi welcome to Clock’s section of my blog.

In this edition… since he’s not online… I’ll just tell you what he thinks about mvc1.

Clockw0rk (12:59 AM): theres like no blockstun in that game
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): you’re all
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): 1212 what wtf where’s strong
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): oh yeah
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): yea that too
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): thats pretty gay
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): thats super gay actually
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): oh yeah blockstun
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): but the no blockstun thing is pretty gay
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): yeah
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): like
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): lets say 2 chars sj
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): jab throw
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): and meet eachother in the air
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): yea
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): like
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): ill do a jab and they block it
Clockw0rk (01:00 AM): he can airthrow me like
UltraRelax (01:00 AM): spiderman does 1234 and gets thrown
Clockw0rk (01:01 AM): before my fucken hand retracts
UltraRelax (01:01 AM): haha
Clockw0rk (01:01 AM): thats how zangief is good in that game
Clockw0rk (01:01 AM): you just block and throw motherfuckers

Yeah… sorry its so weak.

But ANYway… I’d just like to say that Clockw0rk gives the best advice ever and he sucks cuz he’s hella cool. Everyone loves you! Listen to his theme song! It’s too true!

OMG More CD’s!

CDNow: Debut – Björk

Let’s see…

New Year’s Eve I went to Rasputin’s and bought more cds. I think it was $80 worth or something.

Deltron 3030 – Deltron 3030
Only cd i didn’t buy used. Been wanting this for awhile, and its alright. Not OMG SUPER GREAT, but worth it. It features Del the Funky Homosapien, aka the guy that raps on that old Gorillaz song “Clint Eastwood”. Now I wanna get the instrumentals…

Pablo Honey – Radiohead
Not bad… not like “normal” Radiohead, this actually sounds like your typical english band… ex. Oasis, Coldplay, etc. Hella acoustic. But of course, it’s still good. It features Creep btw, which the girl at the checkout counter reminded me about… twice.

The Final Cut – Pink Floyd
Um… It’s hella Wall-y. Yeah… that’s about it. I got it mainly just cuz its PF, not cuz I really wanted it or anything.

Mama’s Gun – Erykah Because I Do
I needed an R&B cd hella badly and I’ve been listening to too much Bag Lady. So yeah. This is good. But the track listing is different than what’s on the cd. There were some songs cut out or something at the last minute. Oh well, still hella good.

INCredible™ Sound of Drum’n’Bass – Goldie
Jesse reccomended it to me, timej0b reinforced it, so I got it. Plus, I can’t resist a double cd for 11 bucks. But… I dunno about this yet. I only listened to it once but… dnb has gotta be listened to hella loud. So we’ll see when I get back to sd.

Later that day I went to my friend Dan’s place for NYEve. Some HS ppl there. The kind that you talk to and laugh with during class, but don’t really wanna associate with outside of that were there. Dan went off with his gf and left me with a whole bunch of non-drinking boring ppl (j/k ahahahahah lololol). It was cool though, really!
Anyway, later that night Jason came in drunk off his ass holding a quarter-full huge ass bottle of whisky. Good times.

New Year’s Day, I stayed in my bed cuz I was tired as hell.


Went with Tuan Pham to another Rasputin’s so I could get more cd’s. I really should just dl this shit.

Debut – Björk
Damn this cd is tight. Bjork is cool yay. If I had the $, I woulda bought more. Go buy gogogogogogo!

Little Earthquakes – Tori Amos
This cd is good too, but is way overshadowed. Aww… too bad. It’s good though really! Especially if you’re a girl apparently… (!)

Godzilla – THE ALBUM!!!1111111
Yeah okay wtf. It was only 1.95 ok? I always see this cd there everytime I go there in the cheap rack (normally 3.95) and I always think… “Hmm… it has some good songs exclusive to that cd hmm…” but then I always get smart and go naw fuck that imma just listen to them on my comp. But this time it was 1.95 so I was like… well ok I only got 2 cds this time.
ANYway, this cd sucks. haha yeah I knew it would so its ok. Its like the time I bought the puff daddy single for P.E. 2000. BUT, this cd has No Shelter by Rage (really good), Come With Me by uh… Puff Daddy (I like the instrumental lol ahahaha omg Kasmir) Deeper Underground by Jamiroquai (not bad, but not their style, like most of the bands’ songs on the cd) as well as some whatever other stuff, most notably Hero by Wallflowers. Whatever. At least now I can finally go in used cd places and not worry about whether to buy this or not now.

Yeah. That sums it up for cds. Tuan got Dances With Wolves or whatever its called on VHS. He’s weird and he is infatuated with Native Americans or something according to him. He’s weird.

Oh yeah, welcome to a new section of my blog:

ShinChiaPet:^______^: bloop!

So yeah this is dedicated to a certain xxxw0rth that I know. For today’s section, here is his Tiering of Marvel vs. Cap— I mean Jamiroquai songs.

Well… he’s taking hella longer than I thought he would so lemme explain what I mean by tiering (like you were stupid or something but you aren’t so humor me).

NOTE: don’t read this it’s stupid.
Our concept of Tiering comes from fighting games where certain characters are better than others. But we can’t really go ok in this game with 56 characters, #1 is, #2 is, etc etc. So we group them into tiers. 1st tier give and take between each other, but kill everyone below them (for the most part). This pattern keeps going down. BUT there are exceptions. Sometimes a character from a lower tier can totally kick one of the top tier guy’s ass (ex. Guile assist vs. Sent in mvc2). BUT that lower character gets their ass kicked by everyone else above them so its really no big deal, just something to take to take into consideration.

He’s done. And here we go

1st TIER:
alright, blow your mind

space cowboy (short version), too young to die, manifest destiny, use the force, everyday, do you know where youre coming from, canned heat, lil L, cosmic girl, high times, music of the mind, where do we go from here, stillness in time

black capricorn day, butterfly, deeper underground, didjital vibrations, dont stop the feeling, drifting along, falling, if i like it, i do it, journey to arnhemland, just another story, light years, love foolosophy, morning glory, picture of my life, planet home, scam, sunny, supersonic, traveling without moving, virtual insanity, when you gonna learn (both versions), space cowboy (long version), you are my love, you give me something, soul education

“this corner of the earth” is untiered cuz he doesn’t have it.

So yeah. That’s xxxw0rth’s tiering of Jamiroquai songs.

Cya guys next time one of you tell me to update!

I Always Quickly Skip Over the Good Parts

Uh… I’ve been listening to Tori, 3 Colours Red, QOTSA, etc. Adry/Terry Music

Bastard Tuan made me get up and do this… well not really. It was Eugene…


I’m still bored but its cool. I can keep myself busy haha.

Um… let’s see… oh yeah Xmas. That was cool. I got socks that are too small for me, a keychain, some kinda passport holder thingy, and boxers. I also went and finally bought myself a PS2 from xmas sales on base. But Xmas was fun. Mizuki was hella happy with all the stuff she got (I’m glad to see Santa still visits this house, not just my dad eating cookies late at night and —- I mean uh…)

Um… yeah that’s about it for Xmas.

MGS2: Sons of Liberty:
It’s a good game. Plays really cool. Reminds me of the first one, which is THE game that got me interested in the whole video game design thing in the first place. ANYway… the notoriously ridiculous story line is ridiculously ridiculous… in some places. Mainly just the last 20 minutes or so… But its a fucking tight game.

Hehe… those 6 cd’s I bought? They’re cool… but I like don’t listen to em. I’ve just been listening to all the music I dled during songwars and other cool stuff on mp3.
Old Outkast (Sole Sunday, Player’s Ball), QOTSA (Lost Art…), bjork (Aurora, Venus), and Erykah Badu (Bag Lady, Ode to HipHop) make up some of the best mixes of music ever. Seriously.

Can’t wait to get back to SD and kick it with all you crazy ppls!

Anyway… yeah that’s about it. Lots of useless “content” this time eh?