Tag Archives: fun

Gone But Not Forgotten

Brown Equals Terrorist

I think on my last blog project (the MovableType one that no one got to see), I had a few posts about how I hated America. This only adds to it.
Man… thinking about the way my country of origin has been acting recently is really depressing. I’m sure that the original founders of this great and free land are rolling in their graves, and not because of the right to view porn on the net.
I’m all for protecting our country against terrorism, but at what cost? (hahaha cliches). The Patriot Act is so fucking WRONG and UNJUST that it’s not even funny.

Kinda OT but…
“But at least we can fly safely now right?”

Well… I listened to this one speech from some guy (search boingboing for homeland security and planes and such), but anyway, this guy basically said that all the $$$ we’re spending on protecting our airways is pretty much a big waste. For example, say we’re in the olden days of castles and kings. The King would be downright stupid if he thinks that he can protect his kingdom by making the strongest gate and drawbridge ever, while leaving the backdoor unprotected and wide open.
The next terrorist attack isn’t gonna be some plane hijacking, they’re gonna do something else, something completely different, something we’ve overlooked.

Like I said before, the “American Way” is going down, one way or another. Hopefully, we will make the change ourselves.

Homeland Security is just doing everything wrong. There are people out there who can help correct this, hopefully those in the position to make these changes can understand this and seek said people out.

Don’t Fear The Reaper

pancheetos’s Xanga Site

Apparently that was the song that was on that site previously. Probly the 440 version. Maybe the OG. I dunno. It’s a decent song I suppose. It got me into 440, it got me into buying “Don’t Get High On Your Own Supply”, which I listened to like 3 times before it was STOLEN BY MUTHERFUCKERS.

But anyway.

I’m really bored. I’ve been home for quite some time now, and haven’t done anything. I never knew summer was so short when you weren’t having fun. I’ll do better tho, I promise.

oh yeah, that’s “Frankie’s” blog. He’s a cool self-proclaimed beaner fatass. I don’t think so. I would proclaim him a cool guy. But anyway, he actually writes posts that are readable, and not just random blurbs that make sense to noone but the writer (WHO DOES THAT I DON’T KNOW WHO COULD IT BE?!!?!?!). I respect that.

So anyway, Summer Bridge is in like less than a month now. I still don’t have a place to live, and etc etc. I really wish summer was longer, and I was more productive.

Yesterday I went to the mall. Guess who I saw? You’ll be appalled! It was Ryan Rucker, the notorious Nose Burglar! He triple jumps 46’1″. That is really far for those not in the know. It seems that the triple jumpers at Wood only get better and better each year. I wonder if he took up an aprentice, and if he will 1-Up everyone, much like Bobby Mosier did to myself.

Today I saw Aaron Ray at the Baseball field. It was cool. I went there to see fireworks. They were ok, nothing too spectacular. Other than that, I didn’t do anything today of note. Oh maybe I went to the eye doctor. Oh no, that was yesterday as well. He did hella more tests than usual, and when he washed his hands to take my contacts out (why don’t they ever let you do it yourself?), he still had soap on his hands and it stung. Then he put some yellow eyedrop things in my eye for the pressure or something. Those turned my temporary one day contacts he gave me yellow as well.

That is what I did.

Oh yeah, last night I stayed up all night researching and then making an impulse buy of a 1Gig flash card for my GBA. Set me back like 200 or something I think. I also paid my phone bill (at least I might have, the site said i didn’t, then said i did, then kept on giving me errors. WTF ATT). A couple days ago I went to Todai’s in Concord with mizuki, mom and her friend Mieko. It was alright, nothing too special. Mizuki had eggshell in her fried rice, and the melon sucked (remarkably though, it tasted more like melon and squirting lemon on it, though it also tasted more like lemon). I’ve never noticed how similar lemon or melon were as words, namely cuz I never wrote them in the same sentence, or cared. I had some sushi (for the 1st time ever), some ramen with cilantro in it (yuk), some other stuff too. To the McCall’s chagrin, as soon as we were seated, Mieko gave the waitress her c.card to pay for it all, AND get my dad something too. FUCKER. My mom was still pissed about it when we got back home.

I woke my sister up just now to take her to bed. She then mumbled something about the “big sentence”. “Big sentence?” I asked. “The biggest sentence EVER… mumble…mumble…fireworks…downstairs.”

“Ok, let’s go downstairs to meet the big sentence.”

So anyway. At the end of the journey (in which Mizuki amused Mieko-san by looking through the space between the car chair and headrest and saying she was on “TV”), we dropped Mieko-san off at her car. She then gave the chauffer (me) $20. I was like, “OH FUCK NO” and quickly gave it to my mom, who was already trying to give her the cash for the meal. Mieko saw through my mom’s ploy and preemptively dashed into her car and closed and locked all the doors. DAMNIT. We were foiled by this fiend who paid for us and shit. I love being Japanese (I feel so guilty about receiving the 20spot, but didn’t think twice to use it for gas yesterday).

This post is pretty random, and not a joy to read, I know. I’m just to lazy to try/care. Besides, it’s not like this thing is even online yet.

Speaking of which. Fucking .mac service doesn’t let you use scripts. Only pure html. Fucking useless. I thought I was made in the shade, but now I’m unmade, in the sun. Or something.

Remember that hydrolic penises are unethical & cya when I cya.

Exmas ’03

I’ve been going on AIM more often lately (once in awhile, instead of never) so I figured more people would be directed here.

I’m listenin to Daft Punk’s Homew0rk by the way.

So yeah, Its Christmas (fuck off nitpickers) and I’m doing good (once again…). Let’s describe my day.

I woke up around 6ish; Mizuki was eager as ever to see what Santa & My ‘rents gave to her. She wound up with a tv, dvd player, expensive electronic learning thingy, and other stuff. Me? The usual outfit & cash, along with a 307 cd case (OMG) and some headphones (actually these are pretty cool). So yeah, after the merriment of everyone opening their presents—- hold up. So yeah, christmas this year was cool. I actually felt a little something like the old days of the holiday, a true sense of wonderment for the presents, as well as the feeling of being happy with my whole family (a reacurring theme this break). Like I said before, its been good.

So anyway, afterwards, I went back to sleep for awhile and did the usual room seclusion thing that I love doing while @ home. Around 3 or 4 tho, it started hailing! Haha, what a christmas day huh? I loved it. I surely wouldn’t be able to get this kinda shit in SD. Which brings me to another thing. I dunno if its because of finals and all that stress mess, but when I’m in SD, I seriously cannot feel the holiday spirit. I’m sure a lot of it just has to do with the environment. While I’m in SD, it doesn’t even feel like winter. For example, when the holidays come around here, it gets fucking cold (not like in SD where its only cold late @ night. I’m talking about all day all night) And the trees (not all evergreen) have little or no leaves. I dunno, I just haven’t felt it in SD yet. Although not having seasons is convenient, you just gotta appreciate how nature works, changing things up for us every 4 months or so.
ANYway, the hailstorm also created a really nice rainbow too. Nice and thick and not all tranlucent. It was actually a double rainbow, with a fainter double below it. What a beautiful day huh?

Dinner was great too—- oh yeah, my brunch, was Mabou (sp?) Ramen. Uh… I guess its like regular Ramen w/ spicy ground pork and tofu added to it. Man… that shit is too good.
Dinner tho, was even better. A nice Christmas roast with homemade mashed potatoes, steamed veges and salad and mini crossaints. Man that roast was good. Actually come to think of it, imma hafta have some after this post.

So the evening presses on, and I get a call from Tuan askin if I wanted to go see ROTK (you should know this acronym). Man, what a pleasant surprise! So we go around 8:30, and watch the damned thing.

I’m sure everyone else has heard enough about it but man, what a tight ass movie/trilogy/ending. The minor book/movie changes were a nice + in this one, subtle, understandable and enhancing. Lemme just say that I will be joining the horde who await the super ultra extended mega triple trilogy DVD pack. Man… watching the whole thing’ll probly take a whole day huh? “Good shit” as Dan “THE MAN” Laury would say.

So then I return, and am lucky enough to catch Adry online for a brief moment. Damn… I miss her millions (but that’s another post!). I love ya babe, hope you’re havin fun!
Bored, and longing to get fucked up, Me and Tuan hook up again. I smoke him out (in a matter of speaking?) in front of his home, look at the stars, and chill. Good people.

And now I’m at home, typin, eatin frozen strawberries, and listening to Daft. What a wonderful life indeed.


So earlier today, I told Adry that I was tired of everything. Annoyed by everything. Basically, I was not really happy with my life. Why? A lotta things. Her response to this: “You need a vacation.” How ridiculously true.

Bridge is quite fun, and the jobs cakesauce, but by the end of the day, I’m drained. I love it though. The program itself is just a really, really good, happy, fun thing. It really is a family. And seeing all the new kids come on up is really something. Loads of memories and stuff, new and old. Blah blah blah.

I love my girlfriend. She’s everything I need right now, and supports me when I need it the most. It’s hard not being able to see her all the time with work and all, but we get through it, and those moments are blissful, relaxing, soothing, stress-relieving. But girls are evil. Either they do the above to you and cause you torment, or they play mind games, or they tempt you, or you don’t have one. And you can’t live without em. Sigh. Nevertheless though, “Constant over stimulation numbs me and I wouldn’t have it any other way” Or something.

    I really love Radiohead too. I’ve been listening to their B-Sides recently and fuck. Its like I fucking discovered the New World. This shit is really good… Bishop’s Robes, Polyethylene, Faithless, the Wonder Boy, etc. Go Go Go! Or Maybe I’ll UL em…

My Dad’s been in the hospital recently. Heart failure and the works, twice around. It really bums me out. He’s doing much better now though supposedly, doctor said so. But shit like that really makes me think about how little time I have left with him. He’s been trying to help me get a G5, but the constant nagging, calling, “did you do this?” “what about this?” “how’s your car?” “blah blah blah”, annoys me like no other. So whenever I get tired of it, I go “yeah, uhuh, ok, yeah” etc. and try to rush things along asap. Afterwards tho, I feel hella guilty. “I shouldn’t be mad, he’s only trying to help!” Yeah. That feeling sucks. I don’t wanna deal with it.

My car’s still got that light on. I just took it in today. Supposedly, its the fuel injektor that’s fucked up this time. WTF I hate that pos car and want a japanese one. Thanks to my dad’s newly found super veteren status or something, my tuition’s free so a new car is a possibility? Took 4 or 5 years to get here but finally here it is. Free-ride city. Yay about that huh?

So yeah I missed EVO. AGAIN. Fuck. I really wanted to go, but I fucking procrastinated on everything and got caught up. Fucking Bridge. But yeah, between my dad getting sick, work, my fucked up car, adry, etc. I couldn’t go. I regret it. But there’s nothing I could do I guess. But yeah check SRK if you care. And if you find any vids posted, hit me up. I already saw Justin Wong get his ass kicked by Soo tho. I love the West Coast!

    I like the 1st verse of Rollin’ On 20’s

Speaking of which, I’ve been thinking about living in NYC for awhile now. Between always wanting to kinda, Barbara’s (friend) fucking ridiculous love for the city, moovs, chance for something new, Jay-Z, etc., I’ve almost made it a life goal to live there for a bit.

I miss Japan, my brothers, my childhood, my old friendships, my new friends and probly some other stuff too.

Oh yeah, I gotta do traffic school too. Almost forgot about that, I should finish it up soon…

My mind is too full of shit right now. I have this nasty habit that I’ve had for a real long time to procrastinate and then forget shit. I’ve been trying to fix this, but its a slow process. I’m really high-strung right now; I need to get my shit together forreals. And I still gotta start working out. So much for summer of fitness…

I can’t wait for my vacation.

    I fucking love SpottieOttieDopalicious. After I finished the above, I started paying attention to the bgm… this song relaxes me. I wonder if its cuz its linked to my babe…


Well I was bored again so I decided to read other ppls XAGNA’s (intentional… its funnilier) And I noticed that a lot of ppl were complaining about stuff. I haven’t really complained about anything on here for awhile now so I feel left out.

Yesterday I was sad because all of my friends back here at home suck. They go on with their own lives, and since I’ve been away all year, this going on doesn’t really include me. I felt left out and sad. Luckily, my girlfriend is hella cool and cheered me up. I love that girl she’s cool.

Um… yeah. I also complain about AOL. It sucks and always tries to be slick and kick me off. It pisses me off when I’m trying to get some of the songs I was talking about earlier from Clockw0rk (IM him!) and AOL is bitchy and says “No!” and proceeds to either kick me off or ask to kick me off. wtf I’ll TELL you when I wanna get off ok? And besides, just because I don’t wanna use the crappy AOL browser doesn’t mean i’m not doing shit! Blah! Grr! (although I do understand AOL does that because its #1 ISP in America and kicks you off to reduce stress and shit). Blah!

I also complain about the crappy cell service I’ve been getting recently. When I first got the cell, I had full bars. Now, I struggle for 2. WTF. This makes talking to said girlfriend very difficult and leads to many cut offs and hello? hello? are you there? hello? exchanges which waste my precious minutes. And no, I’m not on cingular, I’m on ATT, so bad service is NOT in the contract. In fact, we’re with ATT because they said that service is always wonderful. Fuck that. One time, it said I was fucking ROAM ing wtf. NO! I wasn’t! F that S! Blah!

Okay I’m done complaining now. So now, there is a reason to read my blog, other than my normal “I do nothing” kinda stuff. I hope all those who complain about stuff (with good reason…most of the time), somehow find a way to make it so you don’t complain and your dreams come true. That would be wonderful, and then instead of worrying about relationship problems (which accounts for 90% of the complaining… reasonable cuz I used to complain about that too sometimes), we can start anew our effort to end world hunger. The world would be perfect and everyone would be a machine. Today I told clock to say “Too Short” because ppl think its cool. Cammy says “Too Short” when she wins, and it doesn’t really make any sense. Then again, Cable says, “Pushed TOO far” and that is kinda silly as well. Oh well, so be it. I would normally insert a crazy White quote now (White is a japanese sf player who posts crazy engrish on SRK forums), but I am not on my computer and do not have complete access to them. So instead, here’s a nifty (!) quote that has some VG relationing.

“If video games, like Pac-Man for example, influenced kids, then they’d all be running around in little dark rooms, munching white pills and listening to repetitive electronic music.”
–Creator of Nintendo