Spark Was the Title of My Blog

Damn, I was so close!

Oh well, last night I was all, “Damn I should update before I go to sleep. Oh no, I won’t fall asleep, so I’ll do it later.” [terry falls asleep]

Anyway, I’m feeling very blah! So uh… yeah. First it was CAT/CogSci/Monkies, which got me pissed, then I saw that one music video and that made me sad. So… short n simple…

* Workshop went alright, not too many ppl came, but those who did were cool
* Cat sucks
* Mario Sunshine/TTT/arcade stick is gone
* I like work
* Ed’s major is Econ right now
* Oh yeah, Spark is from that Tori Amos song

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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