I’ll get that soul back

SongNow: Télépopmusik – Pump In It

What happen !! so yeah yesterday Derrick, Ryan, and their friend Larry rolled up and did we (Justin, Ed, Me n Mel) did our thing…
I don’t remember a lot but Larry’s tight. Our 1st words were like this.

Me: Sup dood, i’m terry
Him: sup, i’m larry
Us: ahahahahahahaha wtf!
Him: this dooude has soul hahahaha

He’s tight…

Oh yeah something funny.

Larry was sittin on J’s bed, Derrick was on his comp, and mel, ryan , justin and ed were on my side of the room.
As always, I was right in the middle of all of em. hahaha! (thanks Mel!)

After we did our thing, All of em but me n mel rolled down south. Then we went to OVT for a snack… hella trippy for some reason.

Then I did something for sometbody.

Then Adry came back… I ate MORE… and then passed out while waiting for everyone to come back (they said they’d only be an hour or so).

Ok before all this:

Me n Adry went down to PB (in Christina’s nice Civic) to look for some store (she won’t tell me!). We couldn’t find it, so we just said screw it and ate at In-N-Out… it was tight… 1st date kindava sorta thing.

Lovely way to start the weekend , no?

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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