Almost here…

SongNow: Capcom – SFZ1: Chun Li’s Ending (Clock sent it to me)

this week has been pretty bad for me. A lotta cool stuff happened tho nonetheless…

  • Anthony, a hs senior “shadowed” me like mon/tues. It was cool… I took him to stupid cat class, OASIS, the cliffs, the beach, here… etc. And I even had a cat paper due that day… then yeah. The rest of the week was just resting and playing with my camera (btw… as soon as the server starts working again… new pix). I’ve been stressin’ this past few days… sorry to all those who got caught up.
  • ANYway… Adry’s off on a vacation w/ her fam in Mexico. She said it was like a 17 hour drive inc. stops and shit. It’ll be good for her to get away from it all. I still really miss her too.
  • My mom and my sis went to Japan for 6 weeks thursday too. All the women in my life leaving haha.
  • My dad is chillin’ at home, but in and out the hospital =(…
  • And babe… happy aniversary! It’s been a tough quarter year… but its been great. Here’s to plenty more…
  • So yeah. Today I saw Scarface, then Blow. I kinda wanted to play GTA:Vice after, but heh, I had more important things to attend to. We (Ed, me, J & Ashley) also went to pick-up stix… pretty good. I got the Shrimp Chow Mein. Reccommended or something.

Um… yeah… other than that.. Not much else goin’ on.

OH. The Stuff that’s happened against Student’s First! is really messed up. The people have made the choice. It’s up to us to make sure that we aren’t silenced.

Or something?

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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