Reggae Concerts

NOTE: These 2 posts were just so I would know what my HW was…

Music 14


Tuesday April 20
4th Annual Reggae Splash: Tribute to Brian Lockhart
Various local groups including: Wadi Gad and Jah Bandis, Kush and Jah Blood Fyah Angels, Tribe of Judah,Stranger, Psydecar, Bredren, Ishmael and the Peacemakers, and others.
1047 7th Avenue – Antonio’s Restaruant & Showcase
Info 619-230-1107

Sunday April 25
Earth Day
Balboa Park – performances throughout the park
At WorldBeat Cultural Center (11am-5pm): Stranger, Kush and Jah Blood Fiyah Angels and others (
At the Organ Pavilion: Elijah Emanuel (at 3pm) and others

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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