Hey folks. I’m back here in SD, where things have cooled down considerably. The Harris & Witch fires are 90% and 97% contained respectively, and the air doesn’t taste or look ashy anymore. Our home was unaffected, save for some ash on the windowsill, truly a blessing considering that the cities and towns all around us have been scorched in some way.
School has also restarted—and its kicking my ass. Losing 5 days doesn’t seem like much, but when you’re on the dreaded quarter system, you’re losing 10% of your classes. Nothing CRAZY, but combined with hard-ass professors eager teachers, this spells trouble for the average student. You know, the ones who weren’t using the week off as an extended study hall (hey, I was evacuated. I have an excuse. Kinda.)
Anyway, to my fellow peoples living in San Diego (I am not a “San Diegan”) I hope you and yours are all good. Thanks to Mr. Fisher for offering your place to me, and to Tyrone, who kept lookin’ out for me (I’ll pay ya a visit tomorrow). In parting, here’s a tune that I’m sure many here resonate with.
Bob Marley – No More Trouble
Catch A Fire indeed.