Utter Mundane

NowSong: The Private Psychedelic Reel – The Chemical Brothers
NextSong: Song To The Siren – TCB

My Summer Bridge Family Story

So it goes down like this.

I IM Kaia, and she’s all immediately “gtg call me” I call her bout 10 minutes later, the 1st thing she says, “So you like Adry or what?”
I’m all… “Well yeah”

I wait a while for all the jumpin and laughin and screamin to stop.

Then, “Can I tell ppl?” I ask Adry. “Sure.”

Literally, LESS THAN A MINUTE LATER, 3 ppl IM me, 1 person calls, 2 ppl IM Adry, all askin “IS IT TRUE???”

So now of course, less than a day later, EVERYONE AND THEIR MOTHER’S UNCLE’S DOG’S FOOD BOWL knows that me n Adry are the next Bridge Hookup

Hahaha Fuckin Bridge!

ANYway… random shit.

•Mel has a tight philosophy
•Kaia the best sister ever
•Vejea is my heero
•Zander is a fiend!
•Christina is jealous
•John is a gu— TEMPERATURE INVERSION!!! >=()
•Justin is a stoner
•Tuan is weird
•Adry is the greatest!

ShinChiaPet:^______^: bloop!

Hi welcome to Clock’s section of my blog.

Since he’s probly off at Camelot or somethin, I just wanna say… FUCK EM UP. DO IT FOR SLIME!!! hahaha wtf I’m crazy. This isn’t clock’s section anymore!

Artist: Bjork
Album: Vespertine
Title: Aurora

The way it melts
I wish
To melt
Into you

Utter mundane…

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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