Tag Archives: weird
Just think. These crazy geometric bow calculations are pre-programmed into all Japanese people {{1}}. [[1]]It’s all firmware man.[[1]] There was no thinking “Oh I messed up. I should bow… 20º lower.” Homeboy just innately knew…”bow this far… BUT NOT TOO FAR”.
The stereotypical Asian wisdom is true: “Don’t Think. Feel.” {{2}}
[[2]]Of course it was none other than the Little Dragon who said this. No, he is not Japanese. No, Asians are not all the same, but Yes, I am milking a popular meme for all its worth.
Also: If you haven’t seen these Lee flash animations, you’re hella missing out. They’re old school (I saw em back in HS), and in Korean, but the simplicity of it all truly captures the elegance of Lee’s artwork.[[2]]
I’m Not Big on the Whole lolcats Thing But…
…this is too good.
PS: For added effect, open it in an image editing program and spam on the rotate and flip buttons for added hiilarities. I did this for about 5 minutes in a computer lab & got hella stares cuz I was cracking up so hard. I think I’m gonna have to make a video like the one below:
PPS: Yes, sometimes I even weird myself out.
S&M + Hello Kitty + Alice in Wonderland + Vulva = Make-up?
Alice in Vulvaland?
ManKitty Dancers?
This is the kinda stuff that gives “Art” a bad name. Let me know what you think it all means in the comments.
[via: Boing]
Pickle Surprise
This was apparently made in the 90’s. I’m really confused about that.
Uh… yeah that’s about it. What do you all think the surprise is?
PS: Maybe you should check this out boo (and anyone else in round LA on the 20th). Make me some kimchi!!!!