So yeah I’m sitting here doing nothing. “We” (who?) couldn’t ressurect the infamous Shin Chia Pet so I decided to blog about it or something.
ANyway, I’m going back to SD in like the day after tommorow so all you so-cal ppl, “hi, how are you doing? Come to my home and sit down for a chat.”
Yeah… that’s about it. Hopefully i’ll have internet at my new home so I can post more things that only 1 (2?!?!) peoples read.
A cool song to listen to is Pancakes On Sunday by Beret. Don’t look for it on Kazaa tho, cuz its not called Pancakes On Sunday. I made that name up, its track 1 of some cd maxi (why are they called maxi anyway?). And the title would probably be in Japanese. Or French. So yeah nevermind. But track 3 and 4 are good too (4 is called Blue Skies but not really. I don’t have 3 yet, but expect a non-name soon).
Damn… I’m typing all fobby. Have a nice day and remember that “I will win, not you!”