UCSD is not a real college campus.

Gorillaz – 911
NOTE: this is a super rant. I just typed what came to mind, no editing. Don’t worry, it doesn’tmake sense so you’re ok.


Sorry for the last post, I was feeling way too desparate and isolated at the moment.

I got a couple a ppl pissed for that one haha.


I’m busy as always. That’s what I always say when ppl say “how are you doing?”. I also like to say I’m xxx, just like everyone else”. Cuz I know that I’m not alone in all the shit that I feel. That alone is a comforting fact for those in dire situations, so it feels good to say.


its the end of the quarter. 9th week is coming up. I have hella papers and all that shit due on Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Friday/etc. Write now what’s stressin me is this Music 15 paper imma hafta write tommorow. I am NOT looking foward to it.

It was tight, but I got too faded too early. Factors: 6 hours of sleep for 3 days + 7 shots in 30 minutes + 2 maybe 3 meals for 3 days = fucked up before busta. I barely got to see clipse. It was funny, cuz I was sittin on a table all fucked up in/out of conscienceness, mumbling clipse lyrics to myself to keep awake. Fucking used up so much concentration power to stay awake during their set. I was rewarded with the church bells of “Virginia” live. I was happy that I saw clipse, so afterwards I stumbled to the portapottys with the help of Adry and did what I had to do. I then stumbled over to Chaka’s (thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!) and passed the fuck out there. I felt fine by late night, but by then everyone else was passedout/drunk. Ah well.

Earlier that day, I had my one on one interview for the Academic Transition Program Counselor position, aka Summer Bridge ATC. Went like all my other interviews with Auggy & Libs… easy, chillax mode. Then again this morning (hahaha) afternoon I had a group interview with all sb02 ppl (cept Jorge Ramirez, a 3rd year). It made you think. Then I had the ATP 03 Pot luck over at augustine’s house. Good times, sad times. Liberty is my hero and will be super successful no matter where she is. She has an aura of pride, power, strength, sublety, understanding, experience, wisdom, etc. etc. A strong pinay with flowing black hair, Liberty affects the lives of countless people, giving them insight, stability, and self-awareness. She’s hella top-tier ppl.

Well, the only reason I blogged is cuz I saw that Andy Kaufman is blogging now. You know, the dead comedian that Jim Carrey played as? Yeah, well apparently his death was just a prank. Duh! Just google that shit cuz I’m too lazy to post the link. Oh and the other reason is that I’ve been wanting to for hella long but I never have the time. Now that I’m procrastinating at the last minute though, EVERYTHING ELSE IS OF SUPER HIGH PRIORITY. You college kids know how it is.

Well, imma go again, sorry for the inconherence. This post is mostly for an internal audience, not for you lovely people who follow the link on my sub-profile.

Oh yeah, I’m still looking for friends… I hafta reunite with my fellow bridgers for reals though.

Oh. Now that practicum is gonna end, I hafta talk to a few people. I’ll just list them here, because I do.


I know none of these people probly gonna see here, so hahaha oh well. I just need to talk to those people because they are similar or important to me. Not to say that any of you other peeps aren’t either, but that’s just who I made a mental note of specific things that were brought up during practicum that blah blah blah blah blah I’m hella ranting and not making any sense. I guess that’s what happens when you don’t blog enough, but have way too much to blog about. blah blah blah sorry

Oh btw, that dude who got his head chopped off? that’s fake. its not real. the us is fucking playing games tryin to trick ppls. Only this time they got caught. Pretty sloppy job if you ask me… there are lists of things that are wrong with the video of the beheading. its a long and very peculiar list. if this video isn’t a fake, then well, i guess the editor sucks (hahaha).


i’m out forreals

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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