
Monday; September 11, 2006

Last weekend

Bungie Jumping

Kaki King

Snakes on a plane, New Castle, Garage Sale, Huge TV

. : .

WordPress Amnesty Monday; July 9, 2007 5:43 p:

Bungie Jumping: : I went Bungie jumping with Mel’s friends. We had to hike up and then jumped offa cliff for fun. One of my favorite experiences of last year. Thanks ya’ll… and remember to fix yo face!!! Ashley & her sister & cuz are tons of fun… I’d like to kick it w/them sometime again…

Kaki King: Great music, that I did get around posting about in a little more detail. before. Good thing this isn’t a real music blog, or I’d be in trouble. Anyways, she plays acoustic. While you’re listening to the song, imagine that the guitar is sideways on homegirl’s lap. WOWOWOWOW! CRAZY HUH!?

Snakes on a plane: I saw it in theatres, to my surprise. I felt better as an internet citizen for seeing it though. It was entertaining, but the crowd was silent except us. Fuckers. But going with the posse (Wayne Conrad & Jason Tjalsma) made it that much better. Good times. I miss ya’ll too!

Terry drinking a mancastle

New Castle: I love this stuff. IronicallyCoincidentally, I’m drinking it right now. Mmmmm…

Garage Sale: Um, I think that this was when I helped out Harold, my neighbor back in the VV with a Huge “Garage” Sale at my sister’s gym’s parking lot. Worked kinda hard (not REALLY), but it felt good helping out a friend. In return, I also picked up my current 26″ Sony Trinitron, the “Huge TV”. <== I'm a Sony TV whore. I always wanated a nice Wega…... Anyways, without Harold and my dad, half the furniture/appliances in the Mennonite Mansion wouldn’t be here! And now I play videogames in my room all the time.

Almost a year later, but better than never.

About Terry McCall

I'm currently working on everything. INcluding this blog. For the past few hours, I've been keeping some of my typos. In what I write that is.

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