Is climate change for real? – Littleton, MA – Littleton Independent.
Both the bears and the ringed seals are for us indicator animals serving mankind in the same manner as the canary did for coal miners when the carbon monoxide level in the mines became too high resulting in their death and warning miners to get out before it was too late.
I hate this trope. It only serves to reinforce the fact that humans are perfectly ok with decreeing the very lives of our Earth roommates merely as tools for our own survival
Or, “Why I Still Use Styrofoam Plates”
Let’s play a game.
I’m going to spew a bunch of early-to-mid 90’s jargon. Lemme know how many words you recognize in the comments and win a prize!
Some crazy shit. First its the polar ice caps melting and now the coral reefs.
I remember talking to my friend Ferngully about the environment and its greenery. How it was up to our generation to Save The Earth. Looks like we kinda dropped the baton on that one. Yes, the previous generation , yelling save the earth… Save the earth… SAVE THE EARTH! But it would seem that the baton has already dropped. It was up to our generation to stop fucking our planet up. While I was a kid in the 90’s, non-scientist grownups were too focused on their corporations and their factories to notice that recent studies have shown that pollution is not A Good Thing. They weren’t cool enough to care.
Well, I wasn’t that cool either. My other friend Mandelia thinks Captain Planet is cool. Hell no. That show was waaaay too cheesy. I hate that show not because it’s really cheesy, but because it’s campy, goody-goody vibe actually turned kids off of being Eco-Concius.
“When I grow up, I’m going to give a fuck about the planet!” (I cussed a lot as a kid. But I cared about the Environment! It all evens out.)
Maybe 2012 is the end of the earth as we know it. Maybe instead of laughing, we should have been learning.
But you know, Times Are Tough, so… yeah… about that environment. We’ll get to it Ey-sap okay? Gotta get paid first.
Just like Styrofoam plates. I know shouldn’t use them. Buuuuut… eh… it’s a barbeque after all… and the paper plates are so tiny.
The power is yours!