Tag Archives: love

I am reading a book about love

I’m Graduating tomorrow. Its kind of surreal. I’m really glad that my family is here though. Although my brothers couldn’t make it after all, my closest kin is with me.

[need Picture]

Oh yeah, I was talking about a book!

The Staff of the Cross-Cultural Center 2006-2007

I’m reading All About Love: new visions by bell hooks. I got it as a gift from the Cross (Yes I have found religion). Thanks Nancy, Edwina, Violeta and Cat. Thanks Fatima, Noah, Chris, Joseph, Brisa, Oraneet, Heidi & Miguel. I’ve learned to live life with these people and the space. Cya soon. =}

Ridiculous Image of Captain Hook and Clip Art Bells

Ah! About the book: First of all. After doing hella research for final essays and artistic precedents, I’ve come to the realization that everything has a subtitle now. (The “All About” part reminds me of old Japanese Street Fighter 2 references like this that were the coveted books of pre-internet SF players in the states). 2nd of all, Bell Hooks!? Even the people are subtitles! Aiya, this is ridiiiiculous. But I trust. The strongest message so far has been this:

When we understand love as the will to nurture our own and another’s spiritual growth, it becomes clear that we cannot claim to love if we are hurtful and abusive. Love and abuse cannot coexist. Abuse and neglect are, by definition, the opposites of nurturance and care.

Makes sense huh.

. o O (( So, I have a lot of free time now I suppose… ))

I can read, I can think. I can communicate with friends— and I can act on my random thoughts without guilt.
…I really don’t know why, but while thinking about the sippy cup terrorist, I suddenly wanted to laugh at crying babies. Yes, yes, I know. But I’m not as bad as some people… I’m sure all of you have that one friend. You know the one. The one who wishes cancer to babies. Yes. That one. (But yes… you were intoxicated!)
Anyway, I just wanted a quick laugh of babies in dire, but silly situations.

. o O (( Someone took a picture of his wife holding a little baby. ))

Mom and her Scary Baby
This is what I want to say to them:

Continue reading

comfortably numb

So….Terry told me that I have to post something so…here I am. Summer is going pretty okay. A party here, a bonfire there and hopefully soon a roadtrip to visit a good amiga in Los Angeles. We’ll see though. I can’t wait until Terry gets back though. Isn’t it totally crappy how you don’t always realize the magnitude that someone has in your life until they’re not around anymore. Man…I miss that kid (*Terry). Oh yeah, and Analis…my beloved car…I miss you too. *Sniffle…
Come back soon Terry!!!

1st time for everything


Yay I’m happy with the design. Although I was thinking about expanding the header image to go above the menu, that’ll take too much work so imma leave it as is. Granted, I may change the design before this site goes online, but who cares. Its my first site design, and although it is highly unoriginal, I like it. It is kinda bland though. Too much spice, too many notes. I mean, too white. I don’t have the ability to go beyond it (Amadeus).

Anyway, I got my final wisdom tooth pulled today. I was supposed to go under, but I didn’t look at the directions I was given and ate 2 bites of a burger before I realized I wasn’t supposed to eat 8hrs. beforehand. I thought I’d still be able to do it so I didn’t finish it. I regretted that, and was very hungry as I waited 2 HOURS for a thing that took 20 minutes total (including 12 minutes of waiting for the numbness to kick in). So I guess I won’t get to experience the drug induced stupidity of anesthesia. BTW, the posters up in the dentist’s room (he was a fatass) were pretty trippy. A collage of sports and animals, kinda like those Highlights “find these items” thingies, but hella trippier (Imagine a flying bird/basketball and a shark with a shovel through its head). There was another one that seemed bible based, but I didn’t get a good look at that one. On the plus side though, I was able to not argue my way out of paying for my medication, which will allow me to procure some vicadin tomorrow (for the tooth I pulled a few weeks ago, my dad told em that we wanted to get the meds for free from the base, which resulted in a change of prescription from the V to codeine). We’ll see if that shit is what it’s all cracked up to be.

Oh. for the 4th, I saw some fireworks @ the creekwalk. It was ehhhhhh… BBQ too. That’s good. Fuckin’ hotlinks and hamburgers are too good.

Oh yeah, imma be back in SD round the 20th. The retreat for SB starts the next day. That made me sad, cuz that’s less time back home than I thought I had, but it totally makes sense. Somehow I know I should be more excited or enthused, or more something about this whole ATC thing but I dunno, I guess it hasn’t hit me yet or something. Maybe its the fact that I don’t have a place to stay yet. Or a major. So I guess I feel displaced in my current “hometown” of SD.

Oh yeah. Check out the jay-zeezer project. It’s a mixed bag, but there are some real gems there. I DL’ed it awhile ago, but just started listening to it forreals. I didn’t pick up the bonus tracks tho, so I’m dl’in “Yeah In The Sun” right now, now that I fucking love “Yeah”. If you ever meet this poster, ask me to do my Lil’ Jon impressions. I’ve been told that I’m pretty accurate. “OKAAAAAY!?!

Oh yeah. Playing is for pleasure.

Don’t Fear The Reaper

pancheetos’s Xanga Site

Apparently that was the song that was on that site previously. Probly the 440 version. Maybe the OG. I dunno. It’s a decent song I suppose. It got me into 440, it got me into buying “Don’t Get High On Your Own Supply”, which I listened to like 3 times before it was STOLEN BY MUTHERFUCKERS.

But anyway.

I’m really bored. I’ve been home for quite some time now, and haven’t done anything. I never knew summer was so short when you weren’t having fun. I’ll do better tho, I promise.

oh yeah, that’s “Frankie’s” blog. He’s a cool self-proclaimed beaner fatass. I don’t think so. I would proclaim him a cool guy. But anyway, he actually writes posts that are readable, and not just random blurbs that make sense to noone but the writer (WHO DOES THAT I DON’T KNOW WHO COULD IT BE?!!?!?!). I respect that.

So anyway, Summer Bridge is in like less than a month now. I still don’t have a place to live, and etc etc. I really wish summer was longer, and I was more productive.

Yesterday I went to the mall. Guess who I saw? You’ll be appalled! It was Ryan Rucker, the notorious Nose Burglar! He triple jumps 46’1″. That is really far for those not in the know. It seems that the triple jumpers at Wood only get better and better each year. I wonder if he took up an aprentice, and if he will 1-Up everyone, much like Bobby Mosier did to myself.

Today I saw Aaron Ray at the Baseball field. It was cool. I went there to see fireworks. They were ok, nothing too spectacular. Other than that, I didn’t do anything today of note. Oh maybe I went to the eye doctor. Oh no, that was yesterday as well. He did hella more tests than usual, and when he washed his hands to take my contacts out (why don’t they ever let you do it yourself?), he still had soap on his hands and it stung. Then he put some yellow eyedrop things in my eye for the pressure or something. Those turned my temporary one day contacts he gave me yellow as well.

That is what I did.

Oh yeah, last night I stayed up all night researching and then making an impulse buy of a 1Gig flash card for my GBA. Set me back like 200 or something I think. I also paid my phone bill (at least I might have, the site said i didn’t, then said i did, then kept on giving me errors. WTF ATT). A couple days ago I went to Todai’s in Concord with mizuki, mom and her friend Mieko. It was alright, nothing too special. Mizuki had eggshell in her fried rice, and the melon sucked (remarkably though, it tasted more like melon and squirting lemon on it, though it also tasted more like lemon). I’ve never noticed how similar lemon or melon were as words, namely cuz I never wrote them in the same sentence, or cared. I had some sushi (for the 1st time ever), some ramen with cilantro in it (yuk), some other stuff too. To the McCall’s chagrin, as soon as we were seated, Mieko gave the waitress her c.card to pay for it all, AND get my dad something too. FUCKER. My mom was still pissed about it when we got back home.

I woke my sister up just now to take her to bed. She then mumbled something about the “big sentence”. “Big sentence?” I asked. “The biggest sentence EVER… mumble…mumble…fireworks…downstairs.”

“Ok, let’s go downstairs to meet the big sentence.”

So anyway. At the end of the journey (in which Mizuki amused Mieko-san by looking through the space between the car chair and headrest and saying she was on “TV”), we dropped Mieko-san off at her car. She then gave the chauffer (me) $20. I was like, “OH FUCK NO” and quickly gave it to my mom, who was already trying to give her the cash for the meal. Mieko saw through my mom’s ploy and preemptively dashed into her car and closed and locked all the doors. DAMNIT. We were foiled by this fiend who paid for us and shit. I love being Japanese (I feel so guilty about receiving the 20spot, but didn’t think twice to use it for gas yesterday).

This post is pretty random, and not a joy to read, I know. I’m just to lazy to try/care. Besides, it’s not like this thing is even online yet.

Speaking of which. Fucking .mac service doesn’t let you use scripts. Only pure html. Fucking useless. I thought I was made in the shade, but now I’m unmade, in the sun. Or something.

Remember that hydrolic penises are unethical & cya when I cya.

Fear & Anime in Vacaville

Hi, I fear not finding the perfect gift. I fear not being able to wake up tomorrow. I fear going back to SD. I fear having noone here to talk to anymore. I fear never seeing the one I love again.

But its a new year soon. Time to put those fears to rest.

Ooh… that sounds so… decisive. Just some dramatic rambling.

Have you seen it? If you follow the series, then you know how stupid it is.

It has a really cool premise. Mankind exists in a future with no past. 40 years ago, “something” happened, which erased all of mankind’s memories. The hero, Roger Smith pilots an artifact of the past, Big O (typical anime giant robot) and uses it to fight crime and shit. The story goes along, trying to explain what happened so long ago. Blah Blah blah.

Originally ending after 13 eps on a super confusing cliffhanger that explains nothing, Cartoon Network revived the series, creating 13 new eps. The 2nd season builds upon the interesting plot, throwing in clones, mad scientists, misguided visionaries, etc etc. + more staples to sci-fi anime. But what’s the catch? the catch is that it makes no sense. I figure that they original creators left it at that cliffhanger cuz they realized how ridiculous the story would become. Cause the plot just goes crazy and shit starts gettin confusing and doesn’t make ANY sense. Oh. And the 26th ep? Ends on yet another cliffhanger, this time twice as confusing.

Some questions and considerations:
Why ARE giant robots so predominant in anime? Why not in american toons? Giant robos are cool. I like giant robos. I don’t like big o maybe.

I like everything about the show (well almost, the dialogue’s pretty weak/forced sometimes), except for the fact that it makes NO sense. That just pisses me off. Investing all that viewing time and etc into the series, HOPING that at the end I’ll go “OOOHHHHH!!!!! DAMN I GET IT!!!” … but no. I’m just all “DAMNIT!!!!!!” I mean, its cool to end on a such a dramatic (and dare I say cliffhanging again?) note, but having it not make sense pretty much ruined it for me. Imma stick with Bebop. Hell, at least Inu Yasha makes sense. I wish I had the $ to just buy some good anime and watch it in Japanese or something. But thanks to the craze, its waaaaaaay to spensive. But hopefully some kind soul out there’ll buy me the Trigun box set.

Oh yeah, they used to run Trigun on CN. That’s my fav anime. I first fell in love with its wackiness, and from what I’ve seen of the latter eps on CN, its story is rather crazy as well.

Well, I gotta go to sleep. And I don’t feel like posting anything worthwhile. Actually I probably shouldn’t sleep, I’ll never wake up in time. Being nocturnal sucks.

Oh, I’ve been listening to new purchases Bjork’s Telegram and Pink’s Obscured by Clouds. Gotta nice Yellow Sub poster too.

Well, tomorrow’s a big day. I gotta take a family picture (that’s what I gotta “wake up” for), see if I can face my old friends, and oh yeah, New Year’s Eve.

Don’t Drink & Drive.