Tag Archives: SD

More Art

Vis 1 Final

So here’s some more pics, not as pretty, but whatever. Here’s the statement I wrote for it:

When I first found out about this weeks assignment, I already had an idea in mind. I wanted to do something silly along the lines of this: http://www.cockeyed.com/pranks/mall/plazaprank.html. After scouting around La Jolla, I found a few potential targets (I thought about putting eye patches and weird hats on the dolphins at UTC), but quickly came to realize how bad something like this could end up (especially in La Jolla), and decided to do something a little less drastic. I couldn’t come up with anything until last Saturday, when I went up to L.A. to visit a friend. While there, we went to a few malls, stores, etc (Christmas shopping), and I was struck at how many Salvation Army bell ringers there were (though I’m used to seeing them at home, I thought it was a phenomena not as pronounced here in SoCal). There were even a couple dressed up as Santa! (Something I haven’t seen since I was little). That gave me a nice little surprise and I dropped some change off. On the way back home, I had to stop by school. When I got to the corner of La Jolla village dr. and Villa La Jolla, I saw a couple of homeless people looking for money and jobs. Now this wasn’t the first time I’ve encountered the less-fortunate around school, but seeing so many “Salvation Santas” in L.A. put the scene in a different context. It was then that I noticed that I haven’t seen a single bell ringer in La Jolla since I’ve been here. I went around searching for one, but the closest I could find was a small change drop box at Vons. This led me to the idea of making one up to atone for this, and setting it up at my original site, UTC. I also wanted to make some kind of statement with it to help shed light on how lucky Americans really are. I did consider making a real figure instead of a painting, but realized that if I did (and did it a real-life scale), it would be too hard and heavy to get to the mall. I didn’t really want to do anything that I’ve done before (drawing, water colors, pencils, etc), and figured that it would be a good opportunity to pick up and practice some painting skills so I used acrylics. I’ve never really painted before (well, not since I was little at least) with acrylics and wanted to see how I’d manage with them. In my opinion, it turned out very well (which prompted me to do another painting for the extra assignment). At first I had a little bit of difficulty coming out with even brush strokes, but I got the hang of it and had a lot of fun with them I really wished that I would have started using them earlier, as I like them much better than water colors and pastels (mixing colors is easier and more fun for me with paints).

           Going back to Santa, at first I wanted to find one that I could use as a subject, but I didn’t even see any Downtown (maybe they were on break though, I went there 2 days ago and heard quite a few bells). Wanting to get started, I decided just to sketch out the ringer, and turn him into Santa while painting. After doing a couple rough sketches, I became satisfied with one of them and went home. When I got around to painting, I googled up a few popular Santa images (my main source was the Coca-Cola Classic Santa), and referenced them for my own. I chose not to put the traditional Santa hat on him because the one that originally inspired me was quite bald (and proud of it).

           I chose the words, “Are you helping?” solely to instill guilt upon its reader. UTC being such an extravagant and excessive mall, I felt that it was quite an appropriate reminder to others that there are many only less fortunate people. I also didn’t paint the words on, because I felt it could make a nice and friendly Christmas poster without a heavy handed moral getting in the way.           

           I had trouble with 2 main parts with this assignment. First of all, I didn’t know what to do for the eyes. I don’t consider myself to be a great drawer, and didn’t feel like ruining a nice happy face with strange looking eyes. Not wanting to risk it, I borrowed some happy-looking anime style eyes. Secondly, I had a LOT of trouble with the collection bin. First, I didn’t know where to place it (I originally wanted to depict a hanging one, complete with the Salvation Army Sign, but I felt that it would have blocked too much of Santa. After finally figuring out a place for it, I sketched it out and it seemed all right. When It came to painting it though, I could not for the life of me figure out how it was supposed to look, and was very frustrated (I finally felt like I got it right towards the very end of my painting).

I still have a few more things that I wanted to add (like a few concept sketches), but that’ll come tomorrow. I’m sooooooo beat right now… I hit a lotta traffic in SD and LA, and driving I-5 North all the way up during the night is really boring and tiring.


Tacos Today

JohnBeltran – Dia Brioso
What a Friday! Just had 1 class (nihongo section) and a few 1/1’s. It was nice seein’ ya David, Aaron and Jaime. It’s cool to see you all doin’ good and still havin’ fun.
(Same with the rest of you all!) After my last 1/1, Mel brought up TJ. And since it was only 3, we could beat traffic!

So off we went.

9 adovada tacos each, a horchata and a beer later, we went up to the English speaking dude at Taco Bell and ordered 18 more (hey, its better than the 30 we got last time!).

Damn dude those things are sooooooo good. PLEASE, if you live in San Diego, or visit or whatever, go to TJ and get some tacos. Carne Asada’s always good, but its a consensus between the Mennonites that adovada can’t be beat. And if you can’t make it across the border for whatever reason, go down south to Chula or Southside or whatever and hit up Tacos El Gordo, which is TJ tacos @ US prices (1 for a buck vs. 3 for a $1! = KO! GGPO.)

After that mission, got back, and I wasted time. Mel said Patti was havin’ a get-together and was gonna roll, but she fell asleep.

So I did too (so I guess the “wow… sleeping early for a change” awymsg was still valid.

But of course Mel wakes up @ 1, calls me on the fone, and asks if I still wanna go.

An offer I couldn’t refuse.

So I went, met the Co-Op Crew, saw Tiff, Jose, Salo & Angelica, Patti (of course), Eric (con mujeres), Angelo, and who am I forgetting…

I just chilled on the balcony with the Co-Op & Tiff; Dana gave some interesting sermons bout ucsd politics and the co-ops. I could tell he was passionate about his shit; speaking with force and conviction about the urge to punch VC Watson in the stomach.

Tiff was cool as always: I really felt like you were tryin’ to get to know me better, thanks for askin me how I’ve been. I know I wasn’t too responsive, but someday, we’ll sit down and talk, like that time in….TJ

… the connections are uncanny!

Once Again!

So here I am @ Fernando’s again. Why do I always blog from here? Cuz it has internet, its not far/UCSD, and yes, its a chill place to be.
Yesterday they had a pretty nice “Gin & Juice” party. Everyone was all thugged out; some of the ladies chose the hootchie look tho. I came over with Mel a little bit after it started, and there were already hella people here. You had Jen, Turrel, Eric, & the rest of the bowling krew, Colleen (it was her b-day bash!), Melissa & her brother (con amigo), and a whole bunch of other frat peoples, friends of friends, etc. Anyway, me n Mel left the party real quick to pick up some veges. When we came back though, we had poes everywhere breakin’ the party up, cuffin’ Ron up and yellin’ @ everyone to go home. The cops were all hollerin at Justine to leave, so we went to my car to figure out what to do.

While we’re layin low, we see Ron get hauled off to Detox followed by a big ass train of cars gettin’ the fuck outta there.

What a great partay.


I now live with Tidiane Diallo, Susie Parras, Melanie Natividad & Arash Haile (& Ken Kiweuroiawuerjdsom). It was crazy cuz before Bridge, Mel approached me and asked if I wanted to live with her, Susie, May and Monett. But Things Fall Apart and Susie and Mel were off on their own. So during Bridge, we’re all looking for a 3 roomer, but Tidiane comes up to us, sayin’ we should combine forces. And BLAAOWW!!! The Mennonites are born!
Arash gots a small room upstairs, and his studio downstairs. He hasn’t finished setting it up yet, but I was chillin’ with em the other day just listening to him practice his spin. My man Maurice from Capricorn was sayin that once its done, we’re gonna be Arash’s proteges’, mixin and makin beats all day! Its gonna be crazy, livin and learnin with my intern pops, something I’ve always been wanting to do.
Tidiane also got the other small room upstairs, but he’s eyein Ken’s room downstairs to turn it into a chill lounge/gallery kinda deal.
Susie got the other room upstairs, with double door access to the front patio (and mirrored closet doors!).
Mel’s got the bonus room, and so far its pretty much the most set up outta all of em. She’s also got access to the front patio.

Summer Bridge

So it turns out that I was reading that last post… and was like… naw I don’t wanna talk about that. That’s why I haven’t been posting for awhile. Well that and all the bridge stuff I’ve been doing recently. Right now, I’m staying at the man Fernando’s pad (with mates Maurice, Ron, Kris Tan and Bill). Damn am I jealous. Well, it pretty much looks like Jason Tjalsma’s house (or any other 70’s looking house), except that there’s 3 rooms in the downstairs hallway, and upstairs there’s a big ass living room. Super comfy and it don’t look too ghetto, even if its only a few blocks away. Congrats.

So anyway the SB o4 process has begun; I am now officially a Academic Transition Counselor. How does it feel? ehhhhh… I’m not too excited about it. Once this saturday rolls round tho and I see my kids I’m sure that’ll all change.

I came back to SD last tuesday, stayed the night at Adry’s and went off to the Julian retreat the next day. As usual, it was intense/long/sleepless/crazy, an overall good experience. Since then, I’ve been staying at Fernie’s and been having some good times there. 1st night was 2 40’s, and the rest is history. We kicked it on saturday with the SoCo, Jager and Cap. Mo. And last night was an Adult Swim Comedy block. NOW THAT I’VE SEEN THAT SHIT ON TV, THAT IS THE SHIZNITE!!! haha, but I got all those fools hooked on Birdman, Brak & Sealab. More followers to the TV cult that is adult swim.

Anyway, I’m bored and the keyboard at M.O.M. sucks so imma head out. Pa-icky.

The Mechanics of a Post aka A Tribute to a Mixed, Long Fingered Child

sucks to be banana

The other day (sometime last week), Bryan Tracy told us (Me, Dan “The Man” Laury & John “Baby D” Tice) the most important thingy he heard from Jason “Why Can We Not Be Sober” Tjalsma. It is as follows: Bryan was having trouble with his girlfriend, and didn’t really know what to do. Jason, in his unfounded and untold and ever-knowing wisdom says this: “All you need to do is take a shit in the middle of her room. Whenever she leaves the room, seize the moment and pull down your pants and take a shit. When she comes back, be like: ‘What? Yeah that’s right. I took a shit in your room. What are you gonna do about it huh?’ Then Jackie will be like, ‘Well I guess you’re right. You DID take a shit in my room.’ Everything will be better from that point on.” (These aren’t exact quotes but you get the picture).

I, on the other hand, think that I have taken a much more important and vital piece of wisdom from the legend aka Doctor Claw. It also serves to describe one of my best friends even better than the above quote: (Said in a sloshy tone while staggering, perhaps knocking things down) “I’ll be drunk for the rest of my life!” (drunken emphasis on life, for the full effect, get me drunk and I’ll try to recreate such a special anecdote for you as well).

Jason, though you may not return my calls, though you may be romping around with some girl in sacramento, and though you may hate the Zephyr song by RHCP (I like it, but it has bad memories for me too), you will remain one of my closest and best friends.
I drink this small amount of liquor in honor of you. If you’re reading this (doubtful), know that I hella respect you, and it would be my honor to get fucked up with you.

And this (2nd) vicodon is for Bryan, cuz he always downed em.

It’s really sweaty inside this apartment.
And it’s pretty hot too.
…And considering as how I’m sitting here alone, I’ve just terrified you.
Mission complete, going to sleep.

And remember, He-hey! I’m batman too huh? AHHHHHHHH!